This is a particular type of hydro massage in which a special mixture of essential oils is added to the water bath. The variations in the water temperature and pressure are critical and combined with the thermodynamic effect of plant extracts causes the dilation and constriction of the capillaries. This action stimulates the natural physiological functions to remove toxins and fat deposits from the skin tissue. It also combats the effects of skin ageing by favouring spontaneous cell regeneration, improves skin appearance and its overall peripheral blood and lymphatic circulation. The hydro-aromatherapy is a genuine rehabilitative treatment that tones and strengthens the skin, balances the body fluids and energy and relaxes both body and mind.
This is a particular type of hydro massage in which a special mixture of essential oils is added to the water bath. The variations in the water temperature and pressure are critical and combined with the thermodynamic effect of plant extracts causes the dilation and constriction of the capillaries. This action stimulates the natural physiological functions to remove toxins and fat deposits from the skin tissue. It also combats the effects of skin ageing by favouring spontaneous cell regeneration, improves skin appearance and its overall peripheral blood and lymphatic circulation. The hydro-aromatherapy is a genuine rehabilitative treatment that tones and strengthens the skin, balances the body fluids and energy and relaxes both body and mind.